Career opportunities in Southwestern Finland

Satakunta region offers many career possibilities due to its large industrial setting. Currently several companies in Satakunta are looking for workers trained in the areas of for example shipbuilding, metal and forest industry, logistics and construction. More information on career possibilities can be found at:

Together with close municipalities and the labour administration we are organizing a Future Career in Southwestern Finland -event that brings together international workers and regional companies.

Satakunta Work Fair 2019 -event

Date: From 14:00 to 16:00 on Saturday 12th of October
Place: WinNova vocational school. Address: Satamakatu 19 C, Rauma (the grey building)
14:00 Opening words
14:10 Information on where and how to find open positions or further education in Southwestern Finland
14:20 Companies' presentations: career paths in the Satakunta region
14:45 Companies' stands: face to face contacts with the companies

16:00 Event closes
The event is nonstop: you may come any time between 14:00 to 16:00. Presentations are held in English. A polish interpreter will be available.

*Changes may apply


Satakunta Work Fair 2019 -tilaisuus

Aika: Lauantai 12.10. klo 14:00-16.00.
Paikka: Winnova, Satamakatu 19c (harmaa rakennus)

14:00 Alkusanat
14:10 Mistä ja miten löytää avoimia työpaikkoja tai koulutusmahdollisuuksia Satakuntasta.
14:20 Yritysten esitykset: Urapolkuja Satakunnan seudulla
14:45 Yritysten ständit:

16:00 Tapahtuma päättyy
Voit tulla paikalle milloin tahansa klo 14.00 ja 16.00 välillä. Esitykset pidetään englanniksi. Puolan kielen tulkki on käytettävissä.