Rauma Maritime network day 7.11.2024

Date: Thursday 7.11.2024
Time: 8.30 - 15.00
Place: SAMK ja WinNova, Merimäki campus, Suojantie 2, Rauma

​​​​​​​Welcome to Rauma to explore the latest innovations in maritime industry.

Our event, themed Intelligent maritime industry, brings together companies, authorities, and educational institutions in the field.

The day is especially targeted to companies and organizations working in the maritime industry, as well as students interested in the latest technologies and the opportunities offered in the maritime cluster.

At the event, you will find:

  • Various networking opportunities with the local maritime cluster
  • Excellent seminar program focused on artificial intelligence
  • A maritime logistics research forum presenting the latest results
  • Leading companies of the Rauma maritime cluster in the seminar lobby
  • Representatives introduce current projects, the latest products, and services in the industry.

You can book meeting and workspaces at the event's registration & information desk.

Lunch is available at your own expense from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM at Restaurant Kiikartorn.


From 8:30 registration in the lobby & morning coffee available at Restaurant Kiikartorn

GET TO KNOW THE WORK LIFE: Building B, auditorium
TIME: 8:30 – 9:30

Come work for us | Notra Oy, Onninen Oy, and Rauma Marine Constructions Oy present themselves to WinNova’s first-year technology students

SEMINAR: Merimäki, auditorium
TIME: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM

  • 9:00 AM Welcoming remarks | Rauma Chamber of Commerce
  • 9:10 AM New corvettes for the fleet and their opportunities | Coastal Fleet
  • 9:35 AM AI Driven energy balance optimization | Alfa Laval Aalborg Oy
  • 9:55 AM Smart ship concepts | Kongsberg Maritime Finland Oy
  • 10:15 AM AI as a guide through the shipbuilding regulation jungle | Rauma Marine Constructions Oy
  • 10:35 AM Smart solutions for blue and green growth | Maritime Logistics Research Center, SAMK
  • 10:55 AM Coffee Break
  • 11:25 AM KEYNOTE Artificial intelligence in maritime logistics | Karno Tenovuo, Awake.ai
  • 12:20 PM Summary
  • Lunch available at Restaurant Kiikartorn

(The seminar is held in Finnish)


TIME: 13.15 – 14.45

Topics include green and blue transition, digitalization, and new fuels

TIME: 9:00 – 15:00

  • Lobby Area | Maritime cluster companies from the Seaside Campus concept

Companies include: Alfa Laval Aalborg Oy, Euroports Finland Oy, Kongsberg Maritime Finland Oy, Rauma Marine Constructions, Seaside Industry Park, and Seaside Campus

  • Gymnasium | Meet maritime cluster companies, shipping companies, maritime authorities and advocacy organizations, key training providers, and other important stakeholders


Seminar is free or charge but requires prior registration. (Maritime fair does not require registration) Register to the seminar via link below before 31.10.2024.

Welcome to join us!

Maritime network day registration